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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Show Season

It has been too long since my last blog here. Lifes necessities keep getting in the way of lifes wants.

As spring approaches, so do the art shows. My schedule of prepping for the various activities coming within the next two months is a bit overwhelming. The first show opened last night at the Belton Center for the Arts. The show is a motorcycle themed exhibit named Two Wheels - One Journey. The exhibit runs through March 30, 2012. There will be a motorcycle rally at the location on March 24, 2012. Tammy and I went to opening reception last night. The reception was fantastic. Based on what I have seen at the center, I will be joining later this month. The center really put on a first class soiree. The exhibit itself is not what I envisioned. The theme is "motorcycle" related. Viewing the exhibit one would get the impression that it is a Harley Davidson themed exhibit. I am the only artist representing anything other than Harleys. I entered four pictures. One Ninja, one Goldwing, one chopper, and one Harley which happens to be a hearse. I think diversity is needed to make a more rounded show. One standout on display is a chopper. It truly is a thing of beauty. I have posted a gallery on my website with the pictures that are on display at the art center.

The next event to prep for is the Pickens County Museum of Art and History juried show. This is a tough one. I always have a difficult time deciding what to enter for this one. I really want to enter a print on canvas this year. After prep for Pickens county, I am looking at vendor spaces for a couple of different events. I need so much stuff in a short period of time. The prep work is the not so fun part of running a photography business. Just in case some of you thought it was all just pressing a button on the camera, making a print from the inkjet and selling it at exorbitant prices. Maybe that's a topic for another blog. What goes on behind the scenes of a photography business.

I also have motorcycle season starting in a couple weeks. I plan on being out every weekend taking pictures of everyone enjoying the warmer weather. Motorcycles, exhibits, festivals, spring flowers, and juried shows all flowing together in a never ending stream of semi-organized chaos. It will settle down some in 3 to 4 months and the chaotic dance of organizing that which cannot be organised will be missed.